Emergent Venture Partners Fund
Q1 Results 23.59% Net Return – No Lock Up Period.
Emergent Venture Partners’ Fund of Funds was created to address various portfolio diversification needs of investors.
Series D of the EVP Fund of Funds is currently accepting qualified investors. This strategy of Series D is to maximize returns through short term commodities trading. We utilize narrow stop losses (-.25% per trade) and a maximum of 2.5x leverage. There is a 2% annual management fee and a 60/40 performance split.
High quality managers are often hard to identify and even harder to access. Ours are veteran traders with over 25 years of asset management, computerized algorithmic trading, and banking experience, leading the hedging and trading departments at top-10 banks such as Deutsche Bank, Wells Fargo, and Societe Generale, among others.
Funds never leave custody of EVP: Your capital is wired to our account at Silicon Valley Bank, then moved into our US trading account at Marex/RCG.
No Lock-up period. Maximum 72-hour liquidity is requested.
2022 Q1 results: 23.59% net to clients. Our traders aim to get 1%+ returned to the client per week, net of all fees and splits. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns.
Interested parties may send an email to christopher@emergentvp.com. KYC/AML must be completed before subscription documents are executed.
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