Joint Venture

In 2007, Mishkumi Technologies Inc. (Mishkumi) was founded as corporation and accredited as a Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PSAB), with a focus on providing the Government of Canada (GoC) with IT Solutions and Services to enable their digital transformation across diverse departments.
In 2015, various Federal Government procurement vehicles had been accredited including: Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS), Solutions and Task-Based Professional Services (SBIPS), Task and Solutions Based Solution Services (TSPS), Pro-Services, National Master Standing Offer (NMSO), Audio/Video Standing Offer (AVSO), Closed-Circuit Television Standing Offer (CCTVSO).
Martin Reniere, a successful entrepreneur in software, telecommunication and engineering services, acquired Mishkumi and had a vision to develop complementary business units to address the upcoming market demand of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Mishkumi is presently working towards establishing a Department Individual Standing Offers (DISO) procurement vehicle for GoC which is expecting to play a major role in the migration to cloud-based information systems and is starting to expand it’s customer base to include Fortune 500 companies.
In 2017, Mishkumi engaged in research and development (R&D) in two vertical markets, IoT and Cleantech – two key areas addressing our Aging Population, National Security and Global Warming.
Additionally, Nuvoola was spun-out to address the growing needs of application demanding Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cognitive, Internet of Things (IoT), and FinTech (Blockchain & Ðapps).
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