Pro Schedule Match

Pro Schedule Match brings the concept of crowdsourcing to medical Pro Tem Staffing. Medical facilities of all sizes have portions of their HR (Human Resources) department that actively call a list of employees in a queue 1 by 1 to fill the openings in their schedules. This calling is an inefficient, antiquated method.
One professionals week long vacation can take as many as 15 man hours to fill. It might take as many as 5 to 7 employees just to fill this 7 day void. A hospital HR employee may have to call 30 to 35 staff members to accomplish this task. This process is terribly inefficient and is why Pro Schedule Match is at the right place and right time.
The remaining unfilled time slots are then filled with Pro Tem Staffing agencies that costs potentially 2 to 3 times the regular wage of the medical professional, further increasing the costs of the already financially challenged medical facilities.
Pro Schedule match is designed to change HR in the same way UBER changed the taxi industry harnessing the power of crowdsourcing. Pro Schedule Match is going to revolutionize the Medical staffing world. Before UBER, a taxi could take well over an hour to arrive to your location and the cost would be $20 to $30 for even a short ride. Uber, utilizing simple crowdsourcing technologies, was able to reduce the wait time from one hour to about 5 minutes, and reduce the cost from $20 to $30 dollars down to less than $10 for the exact same ride. Using Pro Schedule Match’s exclusive crowd sourcing technology we are going to save medical clinics of all shapes and sizes 30% or more every single month.
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